Tower Defense Online

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Transcript (personal file)

Loong, your grades are as follows:

time:2024-10-13 21:05

💰4893 ⭐️365694 💔0 🏰112 👹7

timenicknamevideowavescoreweek rankmonth rankyear rank
2024-10-13 21:05Loong(zh)3736569461
2024-10-13 15:35匿名(zh)4351027337
2024-10-13 13:41匿名(zh)34105348
2024-10-13 12:24匿名(zh)3724994791

Note: Click on the record to view the specific and detailed information of the netizen.

Remarks:If you want to cheat, there is no way to stop you from acting recklessly. Your qualities and attitude constitute your excellent qualities.
